Christmas is FINALLY HERE!
I don't know why but this Christmas season seemed to go by really slow.
And I mean really slow.
There was hardly any Christmas spirit, which was a sad thing but I guess understandable due to the economic crisis that we are facing right now.
But no worries, because I am actually enjoying Christmas! =)
We just came back from the midnight mass at our church and it was PACKED as usual, but nonetheless spiritually invigorating, for lack of better words.
When we came back from mass, we all couldn't wait to go back to our house.
You know why!
We slowly unlocked our doors and guess what???
Yup, that's right!
*gasp* SANTA has delivered our gifts!!! =D
I was actually surprised this year because despite what my little sister and brother asked for Christmas (which was a SpongeBob magazine for my sister, and a vacuum for my brother.)
We also received a BRAND NEW SONY PLASMA TV TOO!
Let me repeat that.
I know right? I can't believe it too. =)
But anyways, right now we are just enjoying each other's company while my mom prepares food for all of us to sit around and enjoy.
Mhmmmmm. Yummy.
OK well that's it for now, but here's something I found important this Christmas season.
Just when I thought the spirit of Christmas was absent this year, God reminds me that it never actually leaves us but rather lives with us through the people we love and care about the most.
That's the most important thing, and today couldn't be anymore fitting.
Anyways I would just like to wish everyone a WONDERFUL and MERRY CHRISTMAS with your family and the ones you love, and know that the spirit of Christmas will always be alive through the people that continually surrounds and inspires you to be good people.
I know I will...
I think you need to fix the eighth line (fifth sentence) to "no worries."
Just delete this comment after.
Merry Christmas!
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