Her: Are you there alone?
Me: Yes, that's why it sucks =(
Her: Well is it safe?
Me: What do you mean is it safe?
Her: Well someone might try to get in there or something. Haha.
Me: Well I'm at the place where they sell the tickets, so I'm used to all the crazy people at night. I'm not scared.
Her: I'm just joking. Be careful! Haha when you get off. RUN to your car and lock the doors.
Me: Are you trying to scare me? lol
Her: Is it working? Haha
Me: Thanks for caring! :P I guess you're hoping that I get mugged too huh? lol
Her: Haha I'm just kidding!
Me: If something bad happens to me and I don't text you, it's you're fault! haha
Her: No! Haha you BETTER text me when you get in the car.
Me: Well you better HOPE I get to my car safely! Haha
Her: I KNOW you will!
Me: Well IF I don't, you know who to blame! :P
Her: Are you trying to scare me?
Me: Is it working? lol
Her: Hahaha :P well text me before ou start driving ok? So I know you're safe.
Me: Ok, but its not certain yet... :P
Her: Don't scare yourself!
Me: More like YOU should be scared of not getting a text back! Haha
Her: Well I better get that text or else. Haha
Me: Or else what?
Her: I'll think of something. Haha
Me: You didn't have anything to begin with! :P
Her: Okay I got nothing. Don't get me all worried now. Haha
Me: Okay well I'm off now!!! If I don't text you... well you know. Haha
Her: You better text!
Her: Why aren't you texting me?!
Her: Text me back or text me never =)
Me: Did I scare you? Haha
Her: Hahaha uhuh, now you reply!
Me: Pssh I should've just not texted you! Okay I'll text you when I get home... =)
Her: No, I knew you'd reply. Haha. Text me when you get home. No texting while driving :P
* Thanks for keeping me company*
[最新] お年玉 イラスト 146183-お年玉 イラスト かわいい
2 years ago
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