Allen Iverson got traded for Chauncey Billups & Antonio McDyess...
Wow is all I can say.
For all you NBA fans, this is a HUGE deal. WHY???
Well because these two players aren't just players, but established SUPERSTARS.
Now one cannot stop but wonder WHY I am writing about this today.
Well in all honesty believe it or not, this trade made me realize something really important.
NOTHING can be ever taken for granted.
In this life we are constantly thinking that the people and places that we are accustomed to seeing will always be there.
But that is not true...
Life is constantly changing whether we want it to or not, and we MUST accept that.
I bet these basketball players didn't think that they were going to get traded and relocated into a different team and city so suddenly.
Think about the shock that these people will have to go through once this deal is finalized. Will their lives ever be the same?
Probably not. But that is not the most important part.
The most important part to this is not whether their lives will be the same, but how they plan to make it better than what they had in the past.
I have always believed in looking at things at a more positive light, even if it seems that only negativity surrounds you.
I know it's difficult because well... I've been there.
Most of the time it is so much easier to look at the bad things in life as opposed to the good things.
I'm guilty of that, and I know a lot of you are too.
But in order for this to stop we have to change.
I know, change is tough. Nobody wants to change. It's extremely difficult. But sometimes we have to try if we want to become better people.
And that's the cold, hard, truth.
By now I know you are probably scratching your head and thinking " OK, I guess that makes sense, but what does that have to do with me? "
Well here it is...
Life must never be taken for granted.
That is not a thought that we constantly think about, but it is true.
So, enjoy it and live it the best way you can.
Tell your parents you love them, take that risk with a girl you like,
Whatever it is just do it.
Because you will never know when one day your whole world might just change for the better or for the worse...
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