Change. v.,
1. To alter; to make different; to cause to pass from one state to another; as, to change the position, character, or appearance of a thing; to change the countenance.
Change has been an underlying trend that has begun to take interest from a lot of people here in our society. We've seen it everywhere, from the clothing styles to the attitudes of the people around us.
Change is here, and it seems that it's here to stay.
Saturday morning was Valentine's day, but it ended up becoming much more than just that.
It was the day that I finally gotten something off my chest for so long. For 18 years.
It was the first day that I actually told my dad everything. Everything that I have felt towards him, the good and the bad. His accomplishments and his shortcomings.
And you know what, if given the choice to do things over again. I wouldn't.
Because it was his mistakes that ultimately made me realize the type of father I hope to be.
The type of father I want to be.
So I'm giving him another chance on making things right again, and so far he has changed dramatically.
I hope he stays that way, because that was the type of father I've always wanted all along.
It's a shame that it took 18 years for him to realize that...